Participant's Rules

1. Venue and Date

The II World Copper Conference will be held from October 28 to 31, 2024 at the Jockey Club del Peru Exhibition Center, located at: Av. Javier Prado Este (Intersection with Carretera Panamericana S/N, Puerta 1, Hipódromo de Monterrico Parcela 1) - Santiago de Surco, Lima.

2. Participants

  • To participate, all interested parties must access the website:, and register according to the chosen category. If there are any inconveniences or questions, please contact the event's registration team.
  • Los participantes deberán completar la información solicitada en el formulario de inscripción y realizar el pago correspondiente a la categoría dentro de las 48 horas posteriores, de lo contrario la inscripción no procede y se dará de baja. 
  • Los participantes deben recibir un correo de confirmación con un código QR luego de realizar el envío de sus datos y el pago, de lo contrario no podrán ingresar al evento.
  • To attend the event you must make your payment and registration until Sunday, October 27 until 20:00 hours and you must receive the confirmation email. Registrations and payments received after the time and date indicated will be considered as new registrants and must come to the pre-registration modules one day prior to the event or otherwise on the first day of October 28, to verify that their registration is correctly completed.
  • The change of participant is allowed only once (at no additional cost) until October 15. The second change has the value of 20% corresponding to the registration category. All changes are in coordination with the event registration team.
  • The change of category is allowed and can be made even at the same location.

3. Credentials

  • The credentials are the documents that allow the identification of the participants in the event in relation to the category to which they belong, and will have an access control.
  • They will be handed in at the registration area located at the entrance of the fair. Participants must identify themselves with their identity document and with the QR code sent to their e-mail address. There will be modules according to their category and with the QR code sent to your email.
  • The replacement of this document due to loss or theft, will have a cost according to the chosen category and you will have to go to the registration area in order to replace it.
  • The participant's badge is personal and non-transferable and must be worn at all times while the participant is at the event.
  • The participant is obliged to present his/her identity card upon request.
    • Sunday, October 27th 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
  • Monday, October 28 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 29th 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday, October 30 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 31 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

4. Obligations of the participant


  • In order to be accredited, participants must identify themselves at the registration area with their valid identity document (ID card, Alien Registration Card or Passport).
  • Bank charges shall be borne by the participant and/or company.
  • International Metallurgical Consultants S.A.C. (organizer of EXPOCOBRE 2024) is not responsible for unidentified deposits.
  • Comply with the dress code: Smart or Sport Smart

5. Benefits

  • Access to Keynote Conferences (Óscar Gónzalez Rocha)
  • Acceso a paneles de Discusión
  • Accesos a las Reuniones Técnica (Presentación de trabajos técnicos, en tres salas en simultáneo)
  • Access to Commercial Talks
  • Access to the Mining Fair (Commercial Exhibition)
  • Entrega del libro de Conferencias (Incluye ppts de exposiciones)
  • Catálogo Digital del Exhibidor 
  • Certificado Digital de Participación
  • Acceso a Cóctel de bienvenida 
  • Mochila Oficial del Evento


  • Access to Technical Meetings
  • (Technical Paper Submission - Limited Capacity)
  • Acceso a las Charlas Comerciales.
  • Access to the Mining Fair (Exhibition Stands).
  • Access to Keynote Lectures.
  • Access to Technical Meetings
  • (Presentation of Technical Papers).
  • Access to the Mining Fair (Exhibition Stands).
  • Delivery of Certificate of Participation.

6. Registration area opening hours

For registration of new participants and delivery of materials.

    • Sunday, October 27th 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
  • Monday, October 28th 7: 00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 29th 7: 00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday, October 30 9: 00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 31 9: 00 am - 12:00 pm

7. Billing

  • The participant must provide all the necessary information to issue the invoice or payment slip. These data must be completed in the registration form (applies to bank transfers to the current account and payments via web payment link). We are not responsible if the data sent in the form are not correct.
  • We recommend that you provide the correct billing information:
    - Companies (INVOICE) : Company name, RUC, address.
    - Natural person (BOLETA): Name, ID card number, address
  • For participants registering by Purchase Order, payment must be made prior to the start of the event.
  • Due to company policies, we will not accept changes in the payment vouchers issued (invoices/ballots). For this reason you must verify the data you will send in the form in section BILLING DATA.
  • The information submitted on the registration form or by e-mail will be respected.
  • Once the event is over, there will be no changes, claims or credit notes for invoices or receipts.
  • The registration service is subject to a 12% tax deduction and if the invoice is paid in full and it exceeds the amount of S/. 700, the deduction voucher will be sent until November 10.

8. Withdrawa

There will be no reimbursement in case of cancellation by the participant or company.

9. Method of Payment

Credit/Debit Card Payment

NIUBIZ payment methods are accepted with CREDIT AND/OR DEBIT CARDS (domestic and foreign) VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS AND DINERS.

  • El pago con tarjeta será por medio de la página WEB y también con la modalidad de pago LINK (el enlace de pago lo encuentra dentro del formulario de inscripción).
Depósito en Cuenta y/o Transferencia Bancaria

The custom may make the deposit in the following current account of Banco de Crédito del Perú:

NÚMERO : 194 – 99860281-77
CCI : 002194 – 009986 – 028177 – 95


RUC : 20536313045
Av. Mariscal Ramón Castilla N° 889, Santiago de Surco, Lima – Perú
NÚMERO : 194 – 99860281-77
CCI : 002194 – 009986 – 028177 – 95

  • The amount paid into the institution's accounts is considered, but not the bank charges or bank transfer fees. Likewise, the participant and/or company will be responsible for any expenses incurred by bank transfers from abroad from the issuing bank. If the registration is made by bank transfer, the participant must send the deposit receipt to the following email: with copy to, indicating the name of the participant and/or company. If the registration is made during the event, the original voucher must be presented to validate the registration. When making the deposit to the organizer's account, please include the CODE with one of these data (RUC, company name, invoice or voucher number and/or participant's ID to identify the deposit.

10. Participant Responsibilities

  • In the event that an invalid credential is identified and/or does not correspond to the participant, it will be confiscated and the participant will be prohibited from entering the event venue. Notwithstanding the fact that InterMet will make the respective report to the relevant police authorities within twenty-four (24) hours after the corresponding event has occurred.
  • In the event that the participant shows signs of intoxication from alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants, he/she will be asked to leave the fairgrounds immediately and his/her badge will be permanently confiscated.
  • In none of the above cases will you be able to claim any refund of the amount paid for your registration.
  • Está prohibido el ingreso de armas punzo cortantes, armas de fuego y bebidas alcohólicas.
  • Se encuentra prohibido llevar publicidad física o digital si no son parte de los exhibidores del evento, solo ellos tienen la autorización del ingreso al recinto ferial.
  • Está prohibido el ingreso mascotas.
  • Está prohibido el ingreso de menores de edad.

11. Responsabilidades del Organizador

  • InterMet (organizador de EXPOCOBRE 2024) no se responsabilizará por el incumplimiento debido a situaciones de caso fortuito o fuerza mayor, regulados en el artículo 1315° del Código Civil. Para estos efectos, se entiende como caso fortuito o fuerza mayor a aquella causa no imputable consistente en un suceso extraordinario, imprevisible e irresistible, que impida la ejecución de sus obligaciones en relación con la organización y desarrollo de la II Conferencia Mundial del Cobre – EXPOCOBRE 2024, que determine su cumplimiento parcial, tardío o defectuoso.
  • Such events include fires, earthquakes, earthquakes, tidal waves, landslides, avalanches, pandemics, floods, torrential rains, storms, explosions, military conflicts or external or internal wars, civil commotions, blockades, acts of terrorism and sabotage, uncontrollable delays in transportation, strikes and work stoppages, as well as any other similar or different cause, it being understood that this list is merely enunciative and not exhaustive, and therefore all events beyond the reasonable control of InterMet and which could not have been foreseen or which, having been foreseen, could not have been avoided, as well as loss or damage caused to equipment, tools and material, are included.
  • If the II World Copper Conference - EXPOCOBRE 2024 is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances or force majeure, InterMet will not refund the participant the amounts paid.

12. Postponement of the Event

  • InterMet reserves the right to unilaterally modify the dates or location of the Event, in which case the participant will not be entitled to any type of compensation for such concept.

13. Access Control

  • Será decomisada la credencial y prohibido el ingreso a la sede del evento, en caso se identifique una credencial no válida y/o esta no corresponda al participante.
  • Todo participante deberá haber efectuado el pago correspondiente a su inscripción, antes del ingreso a la sede del evento, de lo contrario se le impedirá el acceso.
  • Todo participante deberá identificarse con su Credencial.

14. Categorías y Tarifas


Inversión: USD 590
Incluye impuestos y comisiones


Inversión: USD 24 POR DÍA


Inversión: USD 90
Incluye impuestos y comisiones


Inversión: USD 413
Incluye impuestos y comisiones

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