Jockey Trade Show Center

JUNE 24 to 26

Lima – Perú






Expertos pronostican un 2024 de bonanza para el cobre. Sin embargo, Perú y Chile, los mayores productores mundiales, enfrentan desafíos para sacar ventaja de este boom.
Según Manuel Viera, CEO de Metaproject, ambos países deben formar una alianza estratégica ante las grandes potencias por el codiciado «mineral rojo». Chile lidia con más impuestos, una nueva Constitución y una caída en su producción. Perú sufre por el avance del Congo y trabas burocráticas a nuevos proyectos.

Llegó el nuevo logo de EXPOCOBRE 2024, moderno y audaz, reflejando la evolución de la mayor conferencia minera del cobre en el mundo. Este innovador diseño, con fuertes tonos anaranjados que evocan el metal, representa el compromiso de llevar este evento a otro nivel: más internacional, más inclusivo, más inspirador. Simboliza nuestra visión de crear la vitrina por excelencia de la industria cuprífera global. Con este moderno logo que evoca dinamismo y fortaleza, EXPOCOBRE invita a los actores del cobre en el mundo a ser parte de este esfuerzo colectivo por llevar a la minería del cobre a su siguiente nivel.

Llega la cita imperdible de la industria cuprífera mundial. Del 28 al 31 de octubre de 2024 se realizará en Lima la segunda edición de EXPOCOBRE, la mayor conferencia y feria minera del cobre a nivel global. EXPOCOBRE 2024 reunirá a los líderes más influyentes del sector, incluyendo CEOs y autoridades, en charlas magistrales, presentaciones técnicas y un área de exhibición con más de 250 stands. Es la oportunidad perfecta para hacer negocios cara a cara, conocer las últimas tendencias de la industria e intercambiar contactos con profesionales de primer nivel. Con el respaldo de las principales instituciones mineras, esta segunda versión espera triplicar la convocatoria del 2023 superando los 10,000 visitantes provenientes de más de 20 países. Sin dudas, EXPOCOBRE se posiciona como el evento minero más importante de Latinoamérica y un punto de encuentro clave para el desarrollo de esta pujante industria.

¿Quieres que tu investigación brille en la vitrina minera más importante de Latinoamérica? Preséntala en EXPOCOBRE 2024 antes del 31 de enero. Buscamos los trabajos técnicos más innovadores sobre exploración, minería, procesamiento de minerales, metalurgia, mantenimiento, proyectos, economía minera, tecnología, automatización, medioambiente y más. Serán evaluados por expertos internacionales y los mejores recibirán un premio en la ceremonia de clausura. EXPOCOBRE 2024 reunirá a 10,000 profesionales del cobre de 20 países en Lima, con más de 250 stands de exposición. Es la ocasión ideal para que des a conocer tu investigación ante líderes y empresas de la industria cuprífera mundial.

Decarbonization, increased geopolitical risk, deferral of capital projects, technological innovation, as well as few discoveries and low investment have left a lack of high grade copper assets with significant lifetimes. These concerns and others will be addressed in the keynote lecture "Challenges and technological challenges in copper mining", to be held as part of the I World Copper Conference +Expo - EXPOCOBRE 2023, organized by InterMet, to be held from May 29 to June 1, at the Exhibition Center of the Jockey Club of Peru.

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ICMM, Wood Mackenzie, Copper Mark, AIME Ecuador and McKinsey Company, among others, have confirmed their participation in the mining event to be held from May 29 to June 1, at the Jockey Club del Peru Exhibition Center.

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The mining event will take place from May 29 to June 1, at the Jockey Club del Peru Exhibition Center. The organizing committee of Expocobre 2023, the event that brings together the main experts and specialists in the copper mining sector, to be held from May 29 to June 1, 2023 in Peru, confirmed that 140 technical talks and 30 commercial talks on specialized mining topics will be given.

Edgardo Orderique, general manager of the mining company, also emphasized the commitment to emissions reduction and digital transformation during Expocobre 2023. During his participation in EXPOCOBRE 2023, Edgardo Orderique, general manager of Minera Las Bambas, Orderique announced that the mining company expects to become a 100% smart mine by 2030. "We are currently at approximately 40%," he said.

In the framework of Expocobre 2023, the former vice-minister pointed out that Peruvian copper production is expected to intensify to 2.8 million metric tons in 2023 and to more than 3 million tons in 2024, always under normal conditions. "With a view to 2030, it is expected that world copper demand will exceed supply by 6.6 million tons, and to produce that amount an average investment of USD 100 billion is needed," Eng. Romulo Mucho specified in the framework of Expocobre 2023.

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- The event brought together leading experts, mining leaders and authorities, who highlighted the importance of promoting sustainable development and collaboration in the copper industry.

- The closing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Energy and Mines, Oscar Vera Gargurevich, who highlighted the importance of the event.

In the framework of Expocobre 2023, Miguel Incháustegui, independent director of Candente Copper, said that they hope to reach agreements with the communities, building trust.

"We are at a stage in which we want to re-evaluate the Cañariaco project. We have hired a company that is doing it to formulate the PEA, which seeks to be more efficient and continue focusing on environmentally responsible investment and decarbonization issues", revealed Miguel Inchaústegui, independent director of Candente Copper Corp, in the framework of Expocobre 2023.

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EXPOCOBRE 2024 will be held from October 28 to 31 next year, providing a new opportunity for the copper mining industry to meet and discuss the challenges and advances in the sector. This was confirmed by Alfredo Olaya, general manager of InterMet Peru, during the closing ceremony of the first edition of the event.

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During her participation in Expocobre 2023, the General Director of Economic Promotion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the growing importance of copper within our mining production and the high significance of this mineral within the global energy transition process that is currently underway.

If you wish to participate, please contact
with us, we will be glad to assist you!

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