It is a pleasure to adress you, with the purpose of presenting you a cordial greeting on behalf of InterMet, and inviting you to be part of a new experience in the mining sector of our Country, with «Cobre 2023: I COPPER World Conference + Expo» at be held in Lima, at the facilities of the Jockey Club of Peru Convention Center from May 29 to June 1, 2023.
The development of the aforementioned Mega Event will be carried out with a series of Keynote Conferences, Technical Meetings, a Mining-Commercial Fair and a series of Social Activities, with the presence and participation of experts and prominent National and International professionals. Being «Peru, the Second Producer of Copper in the World» is a good opportunity to learn about the prospects of Peruvian Mining and position Peru as the main destination for investments and mining businesses in the world.
For this reason, we hope that together we will be part of modern, sustainable and inclusive mining, with a view to the technological future and with the challenge of being competitive to continue growing in a safe, responsible, social and environmental way, and with a Development Vision Sustainable.
Copper: mineral of the past, present and future of Peru!
Our slogan this year: “Mining, on the way to Sustainable Development”.
We are waiting for you!
Eng. Alfredo Olaya Zavala
CEO and General Manager of InterMet-Perú
Exhibición Internacional de Tecnología y Maquinaria para la industria del cobre.
Av. Mariscal Ramón Castilla 889, Santiago de Surco, Lima – Perú
📱+51 934 805 393 / +51 987 975 959 ✉️